04, Nawab Building, Kumptha Street, Mumbai Maharashtra. India
Ph: 2336326

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
21/09/2004 54083420 Fabric made of manmade filament yarn woven 1 mm 40000 Mtr Delhi air Singapore Singapore
12/08/2004 57023110 Fabric of manmade filament yarn woven 3 mm 36000 Mtr Delhi air Hong kong Hong kong
23/09/2004 58063200 Fab.made out of o.or more m.made fil.yrn .w.or w.o embd.and.or w.or w.o mel.yrn. woven 1mm white 40000 Mtr Delhi air Singapore Singapore
8/04/2004 58064000 Fabrics made out of oneor more manmade filament yarn w/w emb.&/o w/w met.yarn 5 mm nylon 800 Nos Delhi air London United kingdom
22/12/2003 58089090 Synthetic cord wng black 119 Spl Jnpt Tilbury United kingdom
17/05/2004 63079020 Cotton tape 108 Nos Delhi air London United kingdom
28/04/2004 73110010 Fabric made out of man made filament yar n narrow fabric woven 3 mm white 900000 Mtr Delhi air Bangkok Thailand

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
22/05/2003 29095010 B-phenylethanol 15000 Kgs Jnpt China China
14/08/2003 29095090 B-phenyl-ethanol 13 Mts Jnpt China China
5/05/2003 29142990 Yara yara 1500 Kgs Jnpt United arab emirates United arab emirates
26/06/2003 33029090 Yara yara cp (aromatic chemical for soap industries) 3000 Kgs Jnpt China China
19/04/2004 54022010 Polyester filament yarn 280 dt 1141 Kgs Bombay sea South africa South africa

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 29095010 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol-phenols, alcohol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (whether or not chemically defined), and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives b-phenylethanol
Import 29095090 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol-phenols, alcohol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (whether or not chemically defined), and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives b-phenyl-ethanol
Import 29142990 Ketones and quinones, whether or not with other oxygen function, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives yara yara
Import 33029090 Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures (including alcoholic solutions) with a basis of one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in industry; other preparations based on odoriferous substances, of a kind used for the manufa yara yara cp (aromatic chemical for soap industries)
Import 54022010 Synthetic filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including synthetic monofilament of less than 67 decitex polyester filament yarn 280 dt

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 54083420 Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn, including woven fabrics obtained from materials of heading 5405 fabric made of manmade filament yarn woven 1 mm
Export 57023110 Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made up, including kelem , schumacks , karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs fabric of manmade filament yarn woven 3 mm
Export 58063200 Narrow woven fabrics other than goods of heading 58 07; narrow fabrics consisting of warp without weft assembled by means of an adhesive (bolducs) fab.made out of o.or more m.made fil.yrn .w.or w.o embd.and.or w.or w.o mel.yrn. woven 1mm white
Export 58064000 Narrow woven fabrics other than goods of heading 58 07; narrow fabrics consisting of warp without weft assembled by means of an adhesive (bolducs) fabrics made out of oneor more manmade filament yarn w/w emb.&/o w/w met.yarn 5 mm nylon
Export 58089090 Braids in the piece; ornamental trimmings in the piece, without embroidery, other than knitted or crocheted; tassels, pompons and similar articles synthetic cord wng black
Export 63079020 Other made up articles, including dress patterns cotton tape
Export 73110010 Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel fabric made out of man made filament yar n narrow fabric woven 3 mm white

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