Archana Complex, 37/12-1,4th Cross, Lalbagh Road, Bangalore. Karnataka India
Ph: 2274831

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
15/07/2003 39011001 Liner low density polyethylene ll1002kw 16500 Kgs Madras sea Sg Sg
15/07/2003 39011009 Linear low density polyethylene ll 1001 kw 16500 Kgs Madras sea Sg Sg
15/06/2004 39011010 Linear low density polyethylene 1002kw 99000 Kgs Madras sea    
15/02/2003 39012000 High density polyethylene hta001hd 16500 Kgs Madras sea Ae Ae
15/02/2003 39021000 Polypropylene 1304e1 16000 Kgs Madras sea Ae Ae
25/04/2003 39041010 Polyvinyl chloride resin shintech se950 17500 Kgs Madras sea Us Us
14/08/2003 39041090 Polyvinyl chloride resin s 67-04 99 Mts Jnpt Netherlands Netherlands
15/02/2003 39042210 Polyvinyl chloride resin shintech se950 17500 Kgs Madras sea Us Us

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 39011001 I. primary forms liner low density polyethylene ll1002kw
Import 39011009 I. primary forms linear low density polyethylene ll 1001 kw
Import 39011010 I. primary forms linear low density polyethylene 1002kw
Import 39012000 I. primary forms high density polyethylene hta001hd
Import 39021000 Polymers of propylene or of other olefins, in primary forms polypropylene 1304e1
Import 39041010 Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other halogenated olefins, in primary forms polyvinyl chloride resin shintech se950
Import 39041090 Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other halogenated olefins, in primary forms polyvinyl chloride resin s 67-04
Import 39042210 Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other halogenated olefins, in primary forms polyvinyl chloride resin shintech se950

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