
Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
25/07/2004 28013010 Intraocular gases sf6 tank (125 gm) 1 Nos Madras air    
25/10/2004 49011020 Brouchers (foc) 3 Nos Madras air    
25/10/2004 49019900 Folder (foc) 1 Nos Madras air    
25/07/2004 49111090 Product catalogues (foc) 25 Nos Madras air    
25/02/2004 85249999 Cmt animation stills-cd 5 Nos Madras air Us Us
25/10/2004 85489000 Battery lithium 3.0 v 300 mah spares for vitrectomy system l3 5 Nos Madras air    
25/07/2004 90185030 Toric laser discs, model no.m00,m01,m02,m03,m06,m07 spares fo 135 Nos Madras air    
25/02/2004 90185090 Spares for excimer laser toric laser discs l38/36 100 Nos Madras air Ie Ie
25/09/2004 90189031 Assy laser engine service exc spares for diode laser l38/36 2 Nos Madras air    
25/07/2004 90189099 Phaco cassettes spares for phaco emulsification system l-38/1 30 Box Madras air    

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 28013010 Fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine intraocular gases sf6 tank (125 gm)
Import 49011020 Printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter, whether or not in single sheets brouchers (foc)
Import 49019900 Printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter, whether or not in single sheets folder (foc)
Import 49111090 Other printed matter, including printed pictures and photographs. product catalogues (foc)
Import 85249999 Records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other similarly recorded phenomena, including matrices and masters for the production of records, but excluding products of chapter 37 cmt animation stills-cd
Import 85489000 Waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators; spent primary cells, spent primary batteries and spent electric accumulators; electrical parts of machinery or apparatus, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter battery lithium 3.0 v 300 mah spares for vitrectomy system l3
Import 90185030 Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scientigraphic apparatus, other electromedical apparatus and sight-testing instruments toric laser discs, model no.m00,m01,m02,m03,m06,m07 spares fo
Import 90185090 Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scientigraphic apparatus, other electromedical apparatus and sight-testing instruments spares for excimer laser toric laser discs l38/36
Import 90189031 Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scientigraphic apparatus, other electromedical apparatus and sight-testing instruments assy laser engine service exc spares for diode laser l38/36
Import 90189099 Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scientigraphic apparatus, other electromedical apparatus and sight-testing instruments phaco cassettes spares for phaco emulsification system l-38/1

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