504, Trividh Chambers, Opp:fire Station, Ring Road, Surat Gujarat. India
Ph: 2328902, 2334489

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
24/12/2004 73209010 List 31 sr no. 9 - spring-f29458805- spare parts for tsudakoma water jet loom 1 Pcs Bombay air Osaka Osaka
24/12/2004 84483990 List 31 sr no. 9 - etu-a servo driver-625744aw - spare parts for tsudakoma water jet loom 1 Pcs Bombay air Osaka Osaka
27/10/2004 84484210 Spare part for textile machine l (46 de nts/inch x 1700 mmtl 10 Pcs Bombay sea    
22/07/2004 84484290 Spare parts for textile machinery (helds for shuttle less water jet loom size 280 x5.5 x 0.3 mm thre 30 Pcs Bombay air Jcn Jcn
24/12/2004 84821011 List 31 sr no. 9 - radial ball bearing-f29512800- spare parts for tsudakoma water jet loom 1 Pcs Bombay air Osaka Osaka
28/12/2004 85011011 Motor - spare parts for cone winding machine 2 Pcs Bombay air Osaka Osaka
14/09/2004 85041090 Spare parts for tsudakoma water jet loom transformer 685d04 11 Pcs Bombay air Osaka Osaka
28/12/2004 85043100 Transformer (part no. j0085a) - spare parts for cone winding machine 1 Pcs Bombay air Osaka Osaka
24/12/2004 85049010 List 31 sr no. 9 - control transformer 697d72ad- spare parts for tsudakoma water jet loom 1 Pcs Bombay air Osaka Osaka
24/12/2004 85318000 List 31 sr no. 9 -pilot lamp-ep07073a-spare parts for tsudakoma water jet loom 1 Pcs Bombay air Osaka Osaka

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 73209010 Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel list 31 sr no. 9 - spring-f29458805- spare parts for tsudakoma water jet loom
Import 84483990 Auxiliary machinery for machines of headings 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, dobbies, jacquaards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms); parts & accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of this heading or list 31 sr no. 9 - etu-a servo driver-625744aw - spare parts for tsudakoma water jet loom
Import 84484210 Auxiliary machinery for machines of headings 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, dobbies, jacquaards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms); parts & accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of this heading or spare part for textile machine l (46 de nts/inch x 1700 mmtl
Import 84484290 Auxiliary machinery for machines of headings 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, dobbies, jacquaards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms); parts & accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of this heading or spare parts for textile machinery (helds for shuttle less water jet loom size 280 x5.5 x 0.3 mm thre
Import 84821011 Ball or roller bearings list 31 sr no. 9 - radial ball bearing-f29512800- spare parts for tsudakoma water jet loom
Import 85011011 Electric motors and generators (excluding generating sets) motor - spare parts for cone winding machine
Import 85041090 Electrical transformers, static converters (for example, rectifiers) and inductors spare parts for tsudakoma water jet loom transformer 685d04
Import 85043100 Electrical transformers, static converters (for example, rectifiers) and inductors transformer (part no. j0085a) - spare parts for cone winding machine
Import 85049010 Electrical transformers, static converters (for example, rectifiers) and inductors list 31 sr no. 9 - control transformer 697d72ad- spare parts for tsudakoma water jet loom
Import 85318000 Electric-sound or visual signalling apparatus (for example, bells, sirens, indicator panels, burglar or fire alarms), other than those of heading 8512 or 8530 list 31 sr no. 9 -pilot lamp-ep07073a-spare parts for tsudakoma water jet loom

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