Plot No 101 19th Street*opp Ceat*midc Area*satp Nasik Maharashtra India
Ph: 91-253-351892 Fax: 351126

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
6/11/2003 48219010 Woven label h&m s/l 152b 121801 Nos Jnpt Sri lanka Sri lanka
12/09/2003 58062000 Lugagage tape-25 mm grey code no: 342118 hsn code: 5806.20. 15000 Mtr Jnpt Sharjah United arab emirats
12/09/2003 58063200 Rigid tape-36mm black code no: 942119 hsn code: 5806.32. 10000 Mtr Jnpt Sharjah United arab emirats
2/07/2003 58071001 Woven labels type h&m w/c 202 640 Pcs Bombay air Colombo Sri lanka
24/07/2003 58071002 Woven labels hrp-english home size:20mm x 92mm 4500 Nos Bombay air Singapore Singapore
3/06/2003 58071009 Woven lables size:12mmx80mmx h&m 103 bla ck h&m s/l 1528 xs-6468,s-18228,m-19992, l-14112 117600 Nos Bombay air Colombo Sri lanka
22/10/2003 58071010 Printed labels) size:32x130mm 252828 Nos Bombay air Colombo Sri lanka
9/02/2004 58071020 H & m dubster du 104 grey woven labels and printed lables 136400 Nos Bombay air Colombo Sri lanka
20/03/2004 58071090 Printed labels 165900 Nos Bombay air Colombo Sri lanka
1/03/2003 58079000 Woven label hsm 103 black 87000 Pcs Bombay air Colombo Sri lanka

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
20/01/2003 38249001 Clv spray 923.980.475 1 Nos Bombay air Switzerland Switzerland
9/09/2004 38249090 Special spray 923.980.742 2 Pcs Bombay air Zurich Zurich
22/08/2003 40103999 Belt260.000.082 3 Nos Bombay sea Switzerland Switzerland
20/01/2003 40111000 Belt 260.000.082 2 Nos Bombay air Switzerland Switzerland
9/09/2004 68151090 Carbon fibre tape 614.956.502 2 Pcs Bombay air Zurich Zurich
9/09/2004 73079990 Flat deflecting clamp 614.420.000 1 Pcs Bombay air Zurich Zurich
21/11/2003 73181500 Permanent magnet brake 912.360.004 1 Pcs Bombay air Switzerland Switzerland
30/05/2003 73182990 Spring tension pin613.503.000 2 Nos Bombay air Switzerland Switzerland
9/09/2004 73209090 Plate spring 921.874.623 10 Pcs Bombay air Zurich Zurich
7/05/2004 82089090 Extra knife with knife 20 Set Bombay air Taipei Taipei

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 38249001 Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included clv spray 923.980.475
Import 38249090 Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included special spray 923.980.742
Import 40103999 Conveyor or transmission belts or belting, of vulcanised rubber belt260.000.082
Import 40111000 New pneumatic tyres, of rubber belt 260.000.082
Import 68151090 Articles of stone or of other mineral substances (including carbon fibres, articles of carbon fibres and articles of peat), not elsewhere specified or included carbon fibre tape 614.956.502
Import 73079990 Tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or steel flat deflecting clamp 614.420.000
Import 73181500 Screws, bolts, nuts, coach-screws, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers (including spring washers) and similar articles, of iron or steel permanent magnet brake 912.360.004
Import 73182990 Screws, bolts, nuts, coach-screws, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers (including spring washers) and similar articles, of iron or steel spring tension pin613.503.000
Import 73209090 Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel plate spring 921.874.623
Import 82089090 Knives and cutting blades, for machines or for mechanical appliances extra knife with knife

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 48219010 Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, whether or not printed woven label h&m s/l 152b
Export 58062000 Narrow woven fabrics other than goods of heading 58 07; narrow fabrics consisting of warp without weft assembled by means of an adhesive (bolducs) lugagage tape-25 mm grey code no: 342118 hsn code: 5806.20.
Export 58063200 Narrow woven fabrics other than goods of heading 58 07; narrow fabrics consisting of warp without weft assembled by means of an adhesive (bolducs) rigid tape-36mm black code no: 942119 hsn code: 5806.32.
Export 58071001 Labels, badges and similar articles of textile materials, in the piece, in strips or cut to shape or size not embroidered woven labels type h&m w/c 202
Export 58071002 Labels, badges and similar articles of textile materials, in the piece, in strips or cut to shape or size not embroidered woven labels hrp-english home size:20mm x 92mm
Export 58071009 Labels, badges and similar articles of textile materials, in the piece, in strips or cut to shape or size not embroidered woven lables size:12mmx80mmx h&m 103 bla ck h&m s/l 1528 xs-6468,s-18228,m-19992, l-14112
Export 58071010 Labels, badges and similar articles of textile materials, in the piece, in strips or cut to shape or size not embroidered printed labels) size:32x130mm
Export 58071020 Labels, badges and similar articles of textile materials, in the piece, in strips or cut to shape or size not embroidered h & m dubster du 104 grey woven labels and printed lables
Export 58071090 Labels, badges and similar articles of textile materials, in the piece, in strips or cut to shape or size not embroidered printed labels
Export 58079000 Labels, badges and similar articles of textile materials, in the piece, in strips or cut to shape or size not embroidered woven label hsm 103 black

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