129,park Street, Berger House Calcutta West Bengal India
Ph: 229-9724 (5 lines)249-9734(4 lines)

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
15/10/2004 84733010 Spares for computercomplete cpu card 3 Nos Calcutta air   Bangladesh
24/06/2004 84733099 Spare for color bank machine 1 Nos Calcutta air Bd Bangladesh
6/08/2003 99930001 Aqueous emulsion based coating paint 1 Pcs Calcutta air Gb United kingdom

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
17/11/2003 15162099 Rheotix-240 (rheological additive from castor oil,mixture of hardend fat and amidic wax-4 paper bag 100 Kgs Calcutta sea De De
1/06/2004 25070029 Opacilite calcined clay (75 bags)(kaolin) 1500 Kgs Calcutta sea Gb Gb
19/02/2004 25084090 (10x20 kgs bag)opacilite(china clay) 200 Kgs Calcutta air Tw Tw
5/12/2003 27040090 Coal 1 Kgs Calcutta air Cn Cn
23/10/2003 27079900 Petrolium resins(sample)(n.c.v.) 1 Kgs Calcutta air Cn Cn
7/04/2003 27149030 Gilsonite selects 300 (aromatic solvents(benzene toluene-xyl ene & most chlorinted solvents) 17 Mts Jnpt United states United states
19/12/2003 28030010 Printex u (carbon black) 840 Kgs Calcutta sea Th Th
29/04/2003 28030020 Carbon black (black pearls-1300) (made in pampa, u.s.a.) (320 bags) 4000 Lbs Calcutta sea Us Us
27/11/2003 28030090 Printe x-u(carbon black) 420 Kgs Calcutta air Th Th
4/02/2003 28211010 Iron oxide yellow(s-960) 25 Kgs Calcutta air Cn Cn

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 15162099 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified or eladlnised, whether or not refined, but not further prepared rheotix-240 (rheological additive from castor oil,mixture of hardend fat and amidic wax-4 paper bag
Import 25070029 Kaolin and other kaolinic clays, whether or not calcined opacilite calcined clay (75 bags)(kaolin)
Import 25084090 Other clays (not including expanded clays of heading 6806), andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite, whether or not calcined; mullite; chamotte or dinas earths (10x20 kgs bag)opacilite(china clay)
Import 27040090 Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or of peat, whether or not agglomerated; retort carbon coal
Import 27079900 Oils and other products of the distillation of high temperature coal tar, similar products in which the weight of the aromatic constituents exceeds that of the non-aromatic constituents petrolium resins(sample)(n.c.v.)
Import 27149030 Bitumen and asphalt, natural bituminous or oil shale and tar sands; asphaltities and asphaltic rocks gilsonite selects 300 (aromatic solvents(benzene toluene-xyl ene & most chlorinted solvents)
Import 28030010 Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon not elsewhere specified or included) printex u (carbon black)
Import 28030020 Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon not elsewhere specified or included) carbon black (black pearls-1300) (made in pampa, u.s.a.) (320 bags)
Import 28030090 Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon not elsewhere specified or included) printe x-u(carbon black)
Import 28211010 Iron oxides and hydroxides; earth colours containing 70% or more by weight of combined iron evaluated as fe2o3 iron oxide yellow(s-960)

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 84733010 Parts and accessories (other than covers, carrying cases and the like) suitable for use solely or principally with machines of headings 8469 to 84 spares for computercomplete cpu card
Export 84733099 Parts and accessories (other than covers, carrying cases and the like) suitable for use solely or principally with machines of headings 8469 to 84 spare for color bank machine
Export 99930001 aqueous emulsion based coating paint

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