11, Saraswathy, Triveni Co-op. Hsg. Soc. Ltd., Rajaji Path, Dombivli(e) Dist. Thane Maharashtra. India
Ph: 95251-2454691 Fax: 95251-2454691

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
1/04/2003 01041001 Dyed hand emb p/l tradition cotton spun rayon viscose ladies dresses salwar kurta dupatta 225 Set Bombay air Toronto Canada
27/03/2003 61041100 Dyed hand emebd p/l traditional cotton spun rayon viscose ladies salwar kurta dupatta salwar kur 148 Set Bombay air Houstan United states
26/03/2004 62041100 Ladies/gents woven dresses all sorts dyd/hand embd p/l traditional cotton/spu n rayon vis ladies 100 Set Bombay air Houstan United states
24/09/2004 62044220 Ind.dyed/woven embd p/l/cotton/spun/ply ladies readymade garments:- sharara set{ghagra 12 Set Bombay air Singapore Singapore
6/07/2004 62046110 Indian dyed woven embd p/l ladies childr en polyester georgette garments children kurta set 110 Set Bombay air Dubai United arab emirates
29/10/2003 62046190 India items:dyed/hnd embd p/l traditiona l cttn/spn ryn/viscose ladies salwar kur ta duppatta : ladi 200 Set Bombay air Houstan United states
6/02/2004 62046200 Dye/hand embd p/l trdnl cotton/spn/ryn visc ladies salwar/kurta/dupatta punjabi suits 200 Set Bombay air New york Usa
11/02/2003 62046229 Dyd/hnd/ embd p/l trad cttn/spn ryn visc ose ladies punjabisuits 237 Set Bombay air New york United states
11/07/2003 62052002 Dyed embd p/l traditional cotton/spun/ rayon viscose ladies rmg: ladies punjabi dresses 57 Set Bombay air Dallas Usa
18/07/2003 71023901 Diamonds cut & polished in india 1 Box Bombay air Taipei Taiwan

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
25/12/2003 07102390 Cut & polished diamond. 1903 Cts Bombay sea Hkg Hkg
25/03/2004 71023900 Cut & polished diamonds 3725 Cts Bombay sea Hong kong Hong kong

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 07102390 Vegetables (uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water), frozen cut & polished diamond.
Import 71023900 Diamonds whether or not worked, but not mounted or set cut & polished diamonds

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 01041001 Live sheep and goats dyed hand emb p/l tradition cotton spun rayon viscose ladies dresses salwar kurta dupatta
Export 61041100 Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, dresses, skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swim wear), knitted or crocheted dyed hand emebd p/l traditional cotton spun rayon viscose ladies salwar kurta dupatta salwar kur
Export 62041100 Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, dresses, skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear) ladies/gents woven dresses all sorts dyd/hand embd p/l traditional cotton/spu n rayon vis ladies
Export 62044220 Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, dresses, skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear) ind.dyed/woven embd p/l/cotton/spun/ply ladies readymade garments:- sharara set{ghagra
Export 62046110 Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, dresses, skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear) indian dyed woven embd p/l ladies childr en polyester georgette garments children kurta set
Export 62046190 Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, dresses, skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear) india items:dyed/hnd embd p/l traditiona l cttn/spn ryn/viscose ladies salwar kur ta duppatta : ladi
Export 62046200 Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, dresses, skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear) dye/hand embd p/l trdnl cotton/spn/ryn visc ladies salwar/kurta/dupatta punjabi suits
Export 62046229 Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, dresses, skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear) dyd/hnd/ embd p/l trad cttn/spn ryn visc ose ladies punjabisuits
Export 62052002 Men's or boys' shirts dyed embd p/l traditional cotton/spun/ rayon viscose ladies rmg: ladies punjabi dresses
Export 71023901 Diamonds whether or not worked, but not mounted or set diamonds cut & polished in india

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