1st Floor, R.no.25,bhabha House Bora Bazar Street,fort, Mumbai Maharashtra India
Ph: 2659406

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
30/12/2003 39205111 Prismex for deko panel 9 Pcs Bombay air Ams Ams
7/03/2003 49011020 List of articles b1/b3 gb 60 Nos Bombay air Fra Fra
17/10/2003 49111010 Cd roms lighting electronics (n.c.v.sample) 20 Pcs Bombay air Germany Germany
7/03/2003 70119090 Glass frame 1 gang b.7 pw (glass plate) 3 Pcs Bombay air Fra Fra
28/01/2004 76042990 Alluminium frame 18 Pcs Bombay air Amsterdam Amsterdam
30/12/2003 82032000 Crimp tool for strip connector 1 Pcs Bombay air Ams Ams
17/10/2003 85041090 Evg hp 2x18 w tc-del/tel hc d-dim 1 Pcs Bombay air Germany Germany
26/12/2003 85043100 Power supply 640m 3 Pcs Bombay air Fra Fra
15/01/2003 85179000 Radio flush sw actuator (parts for cordless set) 1 Pcs Bombay air Germany Germany
7/03/2003 85179090 Ins radio wall transmitte (part for cordless set) 1 Pcs Bombay air Fra Fra

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 39205111 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics, non-cellular and not-reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials prismex for deko panel
Import 49011020 Printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter, whether or not in single sheets list of articles b1/b3 gb
Import 49111010 Other printed matter, including printed pictures and photographs. cd roms lighting electronics (n.c.v.sample)
Import 70119090 Glass envelopes (including bulbs and tubes), open, and glass parts thereof, without fittings, for electric lamps, cathode-ray tubes or the like glass frame 1 gang b.7 pw (glass plate)
Import 76042990 Aluminium bars, rods and profiles alluminium frame
Import 82032000 Files, rasps, pliers (including cutting pliers), pincers, tweezers, metal cutting shears, pipe-cutters, bolt croppers, perforating punches and similar hand tools crimp tool for strip connector
Import 85041090 Electrical transformers, static converters (for example, rectifiers) and inductors evg hp 2x18 w tc-del/tel hc d-dim
Import 85043100 Electrical transformers, static converters (for example, rectifiers) and inductors power supply 640m
Import 85179000 Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line system or for digital line systems; videophones radio flush sw actuator (parts for cordless set)
Import 85179090 Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line system or for digital line systems; videophones ins radio wall transmitte (part for cordless set)

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