No.4, V.v.koil Street, Stage-i , Chinmaya Nagar, Chennai Tamil Nadu India
Ph: 4871703/4871093/4871094

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
13/03/2004 61034200 100% cotton knitted mens spring grv 7115 Pcs Madras sea Portland United states
23/09/2004 61041200 100% cotton knitted men`s tee shirts 892 Pcs Madras sea Zadur South africa
6/04/2003 61051001 100pc cotton ktd mens keyharbor polo shirts 29 Ctn Madras sea Portland United states
18/03/2004 61051010 100% cotton knitted men's ibex polo 1860 Pcs Madras sea Portland United states
15/10/2004 61051020 100% cotton knitted ladies sleevelesseuro molly malinda tank tee shirts 1519 Pcs Madras sea Nlrtm Netherlands
23/01/2003 61061000 100%cotton knitted popappli f/s girls t-shirts 5668 Pcs Bombay air Paris France
11/01/2004 61071100 100% cotton knitted mens spring grv 1538 Pcs Madras sea Portland United states
11/01/2004 61091000 100%cotton knitted mens ibex raglan 488 Pcs Madras sea Portland United states
9/04/2003 61091002 100pc cotton ktdladies hs swift krk teeshirts 139 Ctn Madras sea Portland United states
21/10/2004 61102000 100% cotton kntted men`s rrtd wavecrew tee shirts 1890 Pcs Madras sea Uspdb United states

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
5/11/2004 55121990 Micro poly rib 45206-1 100%polyester lining 210gsm/m2 width:60/+-2 c 168 Yds Madras sea    
5/11/2004 55151290 Micropolymesh a165-h 100% polyester 160gms/m2 width 60 cuttable polyes 70 Yds Madras sea    

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 55121990 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of synthetic staple fibres micro poly rib 45206-1 100%polyester lining 210gsm/m2 width:60/+-2 c
Import 55151290 Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres micropolymesh a165-h 100% polyester 160gms/m2 width 60 cuttable polyes

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 61034200 Men's or boys' suits, ensembles, jackets,blazers, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swim wear), knitted or crocheted 100% cotton knitted mens spring grv
Export 61041200 Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, dresses, skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swim wear), knitted or crocheted 100% cotton knitted men`s tee shirts
Export 61051001 Men's or boys' shirts, knitted or crocheted 100pc cotton ktd mens keyharbor polo shirts
Export 61051010 Men's or boys' shirts, knitted or crocheted 100% cotton knitted men's ibex polo
Export 61051020 Men's or boys' shirts, knitted or crocheted 100% cotton knitted ladies sleevelesseuro molly malinda tank tee shirts
Export 61061000 Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses, knitted or crocheted 100%cotton knitted popappli f/s girls t-shirts
Export 61071100 Men's or boys' underpants, briefs, nightshirts, pyjamas, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, knitted or crocheted 100% cotton knitted mens spring grv
Export 61091000 T-shirts, singlets and other vests, knitted or crocheted 100%cotton knitted mens ibex raglan
Export 61091002 T-shirts, singlets and other vests, knitted or crocheted 100pc cotton ktdladies hs swift krk teeshirts
Export 61102000 Jerseys, pullovers, cardigans, waistcoats and similar articles, knitted or crocheted 100% cotton kntted men`s rrtd wavecrew tee shirts

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