C-6/6281, Vasant Kunj New Delhi India
Ph: 9811558188

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
13/07/2004 01011010 Natural brass came opins 1760 Pcs Delhi air Taipei Taiwan
5/05/2004 01011090 Copper labels(large) 5500 Nos Delhi air Taipei Taiwan
13/11/2004 39019090 Beaded belt (plastic) 25 Nos Delhi air New york United states
9/07/2004 40159020 Large copper lables 8000 Pcs Delhi air Hong kong Hong kong
23/12/2004 42022110 F.p.spring cotton hand bags 1000 Pcs Delhi air Philadelphia United states
20/04/2004 42022220 Hand bags 80 Pcs Delhi air Kuala lumpur Malaysia
20/04/2004 44211000 Fabric flip flops 600 Pcs Delhi air Hong kong Hong kong
15/11/2004 44219090 Dresser 1 Pcs Delhi air Philadelphia United states
20/04/2004 55122920 Fabric flip flops 180 Pcs Delhi air Kuala lumpur Malaysia
11/10/2004 55129990 Polyster flower 1450 Pcs Delhi air Philadelphia United states

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
15/07/2004 32081090 Paint 8 Ltr Bombay air Port allen Port allen
26/05/2004 32099090 Paint 11 Ltr Bombay air Newark apt/new york Newark apt/new york

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 32081090 Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified natural polymers, dispersed or dissolved in a non-aqueous medium; solutions as defined in note 4 to this chapter paint
Import 32099090 Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified natural polymers, dispersed or dissolved in a aquesous medium paint

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 01011010 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies natural brass came opins
Export 01011090 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies copper labels(large)
Export 39019090 I. primary forms beaded belt (plastic)
Export 40159020 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories (including gloves, mittens and mitts) large copper lables
Export 42022110 Trunks, suit-cases, vanity-cases, executive-cases, brief-cases, school satchels, spectacle cases, binocular cases, camera cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers; travelling-bags, insulated food or beverages bags, toile f.p.spring cotton hand bags
Export 42022220 Trunks, suit-cases, vanity-cases, executive-cases, brief-cases, school satchels, spectacle cases, binocular cases, camera cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers; travelling-bags, insulated food or beverages bags, toile hand bags
Export 44211000 Other articles of wood fabric flip flops
Export 44219090 Other articles of wood dresser
Export 55122920 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of synthetic staple fibres fabric flip flops
Export 55129990 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of synthetic staple fibres polyster flower

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