L B S Marg Ghatkopar Bombay Maharashtra India
Ph: +91 22 5116885/5114842 ( Fax: )

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
7/10/2003 51052910 J245 wool tops 15482 Kgs Jnpt Felixstowe United kingdom
4/12/2003 51061090 No commercial value for custom purpose only 100% woollen worsted yarn 1 Pkg Jnpt Charleston Usa
6/06/2003 51071001 Sion sr.no.j-250. 100%woollen worsted yarn (dyed)nm 9/3 (conditioned count) (worsted spun weav 106 Kgs Bombay air Brussels Belgium
14/05/2003 51071003 Supporting manufacturer gokalchand ratta nchand woollen mills p ltd l.b.s.marg ghatkopar (west) m 1 Kgs Jnpt Antwerp Belgium
7/06/2003 51071009 100%woollen worsted yarn(dyed) worsted spun weaving yarn nm9/3 (condi tioned count)gr-ii 105 Kgs Bombay air Brussels Belgium
23/01/2004 51071030 (j-229)100%woollen worsted yarn(grey) nmi8.6/2 non-dw conditioned count)(worst ed spun weaving ya 11687 Kgs Jnpt Antwerpen  
27/06/2003 54023909 100% woollen worsted yarn (dyed)nm 9/3 (conditioned count)worsted spun weaving yarn) sion no j251 93 Kgs Bombay air Brussels Belgium
23/06/2003 54032000 100% woollen worsted yarn (dyed) nm 9/3 (conditioned count) (worsted spun weavin g yarn) (sion sr n 126 Kgs Bombay air Brussels Belgium
20/03/2003 55070001 80/20 approx viscose/wool yarn grey nm 9.6/2/3 conditioned count worsted spun weaving yarn 208 Kgs Bombay air Atlanta United states
24/11/2003 55070010 100% woollen worsted yarn (grey) 488 Kgs Bombay air Brussels Belgium

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
29/01/2004 51011900 Greasy english wool micron 33.3 5192 Kgs Jnpt United kingdom United kingdom
25/04/2003 51012900 Greasy best crosses sound fleeces raw wool length 5/7 inches average micron between 32 & 34 max mf 5618 Kgs Jnpt United kingdom United kingdom
6/12/2004 55031000 Nylon fibre 100% no shock, staple 905 dpf , type 9cb, merge 40 Lbs Bombay air Atlanta Atlanta
21/12/2004 84482000 Body (spare parts for textile machine) 10 Pcs Bombay air Strasbourg Strasbourg
7/01/2003 84483100 Transfer roller dia 500mm 4th hion sg ehp 79 Kgs Bombay sea France France
2/12/2003 84483290 0304702508255861 s+u top comb needle strips no 25.82.470.5586.1 (textile machinery parts) 25 Pcs Bombay air Nue Nue
19/04/2004 84484990 Connector for f2k 100 Nos Bombay air Mil Mil
27/01/2003 84485900 Combing aprons 640x530x3 15 Pcs Bombay air Argentina Argentina

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 51011900 Wool, not carded or combed: greasy english wool micron 33.3
Import 51012900 Wool, not carded or combed: greasy best crosses sound fleeces raw wool length 5/7 inches average micron between 32 & 34 max mf
Import 55031000 Synthetic staple fibres, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning nylon fibre 100% no shock, staple 905 dpf , type 9cb, merge
Import 84482000 Auxiliary machinery for machines of headings 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, dobbies, jacquaards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms); parts & accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of this heading or body (spare parts for textile machine)
Import 84483100 Auxiliary machinery for machines of headings 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, dobbies, jacquaards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms); parts & accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of this heading or transfer roller dia 500mm 4th hion sg ehp
Import 84483290 Auxiliary machinery for machines of headings 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, dobbies, jacquaards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms); parts & accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of this heading or 0304702508255861 s+u top comb needle strips no 25.82.470.5586.1 (textile machinery parts)
Import 84484990 Auxiliary machinery for machines of headings 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, dobbies, jacquaards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms); parts & accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of this heading or connector for f2k
Import 84485900 Auxiliary machinery for machines of headings 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, dobbies, jacquaards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms); parts & accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of this heading or combing aprons 640x530x3

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 51052910 Wool and fine or coarse animal hair, carded or combed (including combed wool in fragments) j245 wool tops
Export 51061090 Yarn of carded wool, not put up for retail sale no commercial value for custom purpose only 100% woollen worsted yarn
Export 51071001 Yarn of combed wool, not put up for retail sale sion sr.no.j-250. 100%woollen worsted yarn (dyed)nm 9/3 (conditioned count) (worsted spun weav
Export 51071003 Yarn of combed wool, not put up for retail sale supporting manufacturer gokalchand ratta nchand woollen mills p ltd l.b.s.marg ghatkopar (west) m
Export 51071009 Yarn of combed wool, not put up for retail sale 100%woollen worsted yarn(dyed) worsted spun weaving yarn nm9/3 (condi tioned count)gr-ii
Export 51071030 Yarn of combed wool, not put up for retail sale (j-229)100%woollen worsted yarn(grey) nmi8.6/2 non-dw conditioned count)(worst ed spun weaving ya
Export 54023909 Synthetic filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including synthetic monofilament of less than 67 decitex 100% woollen worsted yarn (dyed)nm 9/3 (conditioned count)worsted spun weaving yarn) sion no j251
Export 54032000 Artifical filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put for retail sale, including artificial mono filament of less than 67 decitex 100% woollen worsted yarn (dyed) nm 9/3 (conditioned count) (worsted spun weavin g yarn) (sion sr n
Export 55070001 Artificial staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning 80/20 approx viscose/wool yarn grey nm 9.6/2/3 conditioned count worsted spun weaving yarn
Export 55070010 Artificial staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning 100% woollen worsted yarn (grey)

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