6, Clive Row (gr. Fl) Calcutta India
Ph: 220-6612/220-3168

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
2/06/2003 48111000 Grade b of economy size roll of green veneer tape (paper gummed tape-size-108cm x 3000m) 44 Rol Calcutta sea Tw Tw
14/01/2003 48112900 Grade 'b' of economy size roll of green veneer tape.(paper gummed tape size:108cm x 3000m) 43 Rol Calcutta sea Tw Tw
17/02/2004 48114900 Grade b economy size rolls of green veneer tape (paper gummed tape-size:1080mm x 3000 mtrs) 52 Rls Calcutta sea Cn Cn

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 48111000 Paper, paperboard, cellulose wading and webs of cellulose fibres, coated, impregnated, covered, surface - coloured , surface-decorated or printed, in rolls or rectangular (including square) sheets, of any size, other than goods of the kind described in he grade b of economy size roll of green veneer tape (paper gummed tape-size-108cm x 3000m)
Import 48112900 Paper, paperboard, cellulose wading and webs of cellulose fibres, coated, impregnated, covered, surface - coloured , surface-decorated or printed, in rolls or rectangular (including square) sheets, of any size, other than goods of the kind described in he grade 'b' of economy size roll of green veneer tape.(paper gummed tape size:108cm x 3000m)
Import 48114900 Paper, paperboard, cellulose wading and webs of cellulose fibres, coated, impregnated, covered, surface - coloured , surface-decorated or printed, in rolls or rectangular (including square) sheets, of any size, other than goods of the kind described in he grade b economy size rolls of green veneer tape (paper gummed tape-size:1080mm x 3000 mtrs)

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