Store & Purchases Hors Safderjung Airport New Delhi ,u T New Delhi India

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
19/08/2004 01011010 Posters 14 Pcs Delhi air Lahore Pakistan
13/02/2004 01011090 Super saver(ss-4)sl.no.4091201-4091250 4091301-4091350 100 Pcs Calcutta air Bd Bangladesh
5/03/2004 01019090 Int.f/c-ii sl.no.2868001-2870000 2000 Nos Calcutta air Mm Myanmar
25/08/2004 04021090 Dairy whitner creamer 9600 Nos Bombay air Sharjah United arab emirates
18/10/2004 17019990 Sugar sachet 6000 Nos Bombay air Bahrain Bahrain
16/12/2003 19059020 Salted rock cookies 22 Nos Bombay air Sharjah United arab emirats
22/01/2004 21032000 Tomato ketchup 7000 Nos Bombay air Sharjah United arab emirates
24/12/2004 25010090 Salt & pepper sachet 5000 Nos Bombay air Kuwait Kuwait
10/09/2004 27101111 Mobile jet oil ii 96 Nos Bombay air Sharjah United arab emirates
9/01/2004 27109900 Mobil jet oil 24 Nos Bombay air Sharjah United arab emirates

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
28/01/2004 05881371 Cyl.block assy (aeroplane spare parts) 3 Pcs Calcutta air Sg Sg
8/09/2004 0853720 Electrical apparatus 2 Pcs Calcutta air    
9/08/2004 21069090 Food stuff 330 Nos Calcutta air    
15/03/2003 22021010 Tonc water 150 Ctn Madras air Sg Sg
18/11/2004 22030000 Oranjeboom premium beer (ship store) 2300 Ctn Madras sea    
21/12/2004 22083020 Glenfiddich special reserve malt scotch whicky -192x5cl) (shipstore ) 4 Cas Madras sea    
14/10/2004 27101119 Cans royco 1ms 12 Nos Delhi air Franqueville Franqueville
10/09/2004 27101940 Grease 4 Nos Delhi air New york New york
1/12/2004 27101980 Aero lube d 5460ns 26 Kgs Bombay air    
21/11/2003 27101990 Aeroshell fluid (hydrocarbon oil,flash point is less than 93.3degree cent.) 1 Nos Calcutta air Gb Gb

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 05881371 cyl.block assy (aeroplane spare parts)
Import 0853720 electrical apparatus
Import 21069090 Food preparations, not elsewhere specified or included food stuff
Import 22021010 Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured and other non-alcoholic beverages, not including fruit or vegetable juices of heading 2009 tonc water
Import 22030000 oranjeboom premium beer (ship store)
Import 22083020 Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 80% vol; spirits, liquers and other spirituous beverages glenfiddich special reserve malt scotch whicky -192x5cl) (shipstore )
Import 27101119 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic cons cans royco 1ms
Import 27101940 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic cons grease
Import 27101980 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic cons aero lube d 5460ns
Import 27101990 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic cons aeroshell fluid (hydrocarbon oil,flash point is less than 93.3degree cent.)

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 01011010 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies posters
Export 01011090 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies super saver(ss-4)sl.no.4091201-4091250 4091301-4091350
Export 01019090 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies int.f/c-ii sl.no.2868001-2870000
Export 04021090 Milk and cream, dairy whitner creamer
Export 17019990 Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form sugar sachet
Export 19059020 Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products. salted rock cookies
Export 21032000 Sauces and preparations thereof; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings; mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard tomato ketchup
Export 25010090 Salt (including table salt and denatured salt) and pure sodium chloride, whether or not in aqueous solution or containing added anti-caking or free flowing agents; sea water salt & pepper sachet
Export 27101111 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic cons mobile jet oil ii
Export 27109900 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic cons mobil jet oil

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