C/4, M.p. Shah Udyognagar, Suru Section, Jamnagar Gujarat India
Ph: 554048/558831

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
21/10/2003 40169350 Rubber washers non depb 500 Pcs Jnpt Hamburg Fr germany
13/12/2004 72103090 Articles of iron & steel steel bush bu sh 000295 1400 Pcs Bombay air Paris France
16/09/2003 74199100 Brass electrical obkect cap kr 18 10000 Pcs Bombay air New york Usa
19/09/2003 74199910 Electrical wiring accesories/componets brass electrical insert c-3005 20000 Pcs Bombay air New york Usa
31/05/2004 74199930 Free samples of ncv: brass adaptor 3120 Pcs Bombay air New york United states
24/12/2004 84849000 (articles of iron & steel) steel bush bush 000295 4200 Pcs Bombay air Paris France
19/05/2003 85404000 Regulating valve made from brass steel r ubber and alluminium valve piercing bras s 44064 Pcs Jnpt New york Usa
16/02/2004 85439000 Electrical wiring accessories/components wholly made of brass , brass electrical body 3800 Pcs Jnpt New york Usa
18/11/2003 85489000 Electrical wiring accessories brass electrical plugs 500 Pcs Bombay air Frankfurt Germany
3/05/2003 99919029 Hose assembled with brass quick disconne ct and knurled nut blue hose 134a assemb ly (brass) 5800 Pcs Jnpt New york Usa

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
8/10/2003 84581990 Tornos r-10 n 36404-used cam c atic turret lathe with 3 spin 1 Nos Bombay sea Switzerland Switzerland

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 84581990 Lathes (including turning centres) for removing metal tornos r-10 n 36404-used cam c atic turret lathe with 3 spin

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 40169350 Other articles of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber rubber washers non depb
Export 72103090 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more, clad, plated or coated articles of iron & steel steel bush bu sh 000295
Export 74199100 Other articles of copper brass electrical obkect cap kr 18
Export 74199910 Other articles of copper electrical wiring accesories/componets brass electrical insert c-3005
Export 74199930 Other articles of copper free samples of ncv: brass adaptor
Export 84849000 Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or of two or more layers of metal; sets or assortments of gaskets and similar joints, dissimilar in composition, put up in pouches, envelopes or similar packings; mechanical seals (articles of iron & steel) steel bush bush 000295
Export 85404000 Thermionic, cold cathode or photocathode valves and tubes (for example, vacuum or vapour or gas filled valves and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television camera tubes) regulating valve made from brass steel r ubber and alluminium valve piercing bras s
Export 85439000 Electrical machianes and apparatua having individual functions, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter electrical wiring accessories/components wholly made of brass , brass electrical body
Export 85489000 Waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators; spent primary cells, spent primary batteries and spent electric accumulators; electrical parts of machinery or apparatus, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter electrical wiring accessories brass electrical plugs
Export 99919029 hose assembled with brass quick disconne ct and knurled nut blue hose 134a assemb ly (brass)

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