401, 4th Floor, Diamond Block Lumbini Rockdale, Somajiguda Hyderabad.ap India
Ph: 3378775, 3378776

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
8/08/2003 38244001 511 impregnator 180 Qtl Jnpt Kuwait Kuwait
24/12/2003 38244010 511-impregnator 156 Qtl Jnpt Dubai United arab emirates
19/07/2004 38245090 Laticrete 111-cretefiller powder 70 Bag Madras sea Mvmle Maldives

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
21/05/2004 27122090 295 rx parafrin oil-16.3kg pail 1 Nos Madras sea    
2/11/2004 28170010 Rx 242 zin oxide (19ltr) 2 Drm Madras sea    
2/11/2004 29151290 Calcium formate 2204 Lbs Madras sea    
21/05/2004 29163190 298 rx propyl p hydroxyl benzoate-9.07kgs 1 Nos Madras sea    
2/11/2004 32041196 241 rx black pigment (227kg) 2 Drm Madras sea    
21/05/2004 32041199 302 rx pigment dispersion-40lbs 1 Nos Madras sea    
17/12/2004 32089090 Mira matte 4/1 gallon 13 Cas Madras sea    
15/10/2004 32149090 Ottoseal-s-70 d/gb 310ml co15 braun-(1 carton) 20 Pcs Madras sea    
2/11/2004 34021300 296 rx-nonionic surfactant (20kg) 1 Drm Madras sea    
17/12/2004 34029011 Grout and concrete film remove 4 Cas Madras sea    

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 27122090 Petroleum jelly, paraffin wax, microcystalline petroleum wad, slack wax, ozokerite, lignite wax, peta wax, other mineral waxes, and similar products obtained by synthesis or by other processes, whether or not coloured 295 rx parafrin oil-16.3kg pail
Import 28170010 Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide rx 242 zin oxide (19ltr)
Import 29151290 Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives calcium formate
Import 29163190 Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids, cyclic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives 298 rx propyl p hydroxyl benzoate-9.07kgs
Import 32041196 Synthetic organic coloring matter whether or not chemically defined; preparations as specified in note 3 to this chapter based on synthetic organic colouring matter; synthetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent brightening agens or as luminoph 241 rx black pigment (227kg)
Import 32041199 Synthetic organic coloring matter whether or not chemically defined; preparations as specified in note 3 to this chapter based on synthetic organic colouring matter; synthetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent brightening agens or as luminoph 302 rx pigment dispersion-40lbs
Import 32089090 Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified natural polymers, dispersed or dissolved in a non-aqueous medium; solutions as defined in note 4 to this chapter mira matte 4/1 gallon
Import 32149090 Glaziers putty, grafting putty, resin cements, caulking compounds and other mastics; painters fillings; non-refractory surfacing prepartions for facades, indoor walls, floors, ceilings or the like ottoseal-s-70 d/gb 310ml co15 braun-(1 carton)
Import 34021300 296 rx-nonionic surfactant (20kg)
Import 34029011 grout and concrete film remove

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 38244001 Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included 511 impregnator
Export 38244010 Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included 511-impregnator
Export 38245090 Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included laticrete 111-cretefiller powder

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