B-5,kanchan Villa, Goraswadi,malad West Mumbai Maharashtra India
Ph: 28825401/28820362/28811047

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
12/06/2003 39269009 Polypropylene caps with induction sealing wad (38mm) 20700 Pcs Jnpt Alexandria Egypt
16/10/2003 39269010 Polypropylene caps with induction sealin g wad 100800 Pcs Jnpt Manila north harbor  

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
22/01/2003 39019000 Adhesive polyolefin resin admer qb510 25 Kgs Bombay air Japan Japan
25/09/2003 39019090 Bynel resin cxa 4006 sandy frey (anhydride modified high d ensity polyethylene) 4656 Kgs Jnpt Philippines Philippines
30/06/2003 39089090 Nylon polyolefin alloy orgalloy le6000 nat 1000 Kgs Jnpt France France
15/07/2003 83099010 Chromo alkosafe chx un printed in pe-tubes 7800 Pcs Bombay air Germany Germany
2/07/2003 83099090 Chromo alkosafe mt druck bayer cross 1.0 x 34.50 mm 312 Pcs Bombay air Germany Germany
22/12/2004 84219100 Granular dryer s110006b fasti erd expert 007 with airjet sr. #b10184 m10185 1 Pcs Bombay air Innsbruck Innsbruck
22/12/2004 84219900 Mc balance dosing unit with dosing cylinder gl standard neckpeice dia 50/40x40 1 Pcs Bombay air Innsbruck Innsbruck
26/03/2003 84779000 Neck finish machine with electrical equipment 1 Unt Bombay air Mil Mil
14/02/2003 84859000 Pressosat for air conditioner 1 Nos Bombay air Germany Germany

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 39019000 I. primary forms adhesive polyolefin resin admer qb510
Import 39019090 I. primary forms bynel resin cxa 4006 sandy frey (anhydride modified high d ensity polyethylene)
Import 39089090 Polyamides in primary forms nylon polyolefin alloy orgalloy le6000 nat
Import 83099010 Stoppers, caps and lids (including crown corks, screw caps and pouring stoppers), capsules for bottles, threaded bungs, bung covers, seals and other packing accessories, of base metal chromo alkosafe chx un printed in pe-tubes
Import 83099090 Stoppers, caps and lids (including crown corks, screw caps and pouring stoppers), capsules for bottles, threaded bungs, bung covers, seals and other packing accessories, of base metal chromo alkosafe mt druck bayer cross 1.0 x 34.50 mm
Import 84219100 Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus, for liquid or gases granular dryer s110006b fasti erd expert 007 with airjet sr. #b10184 m10185
Import 84219900 Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus, for liquid or gases mc balance dosing unit with dosing cylinder gl standard neckpeice dia 50/40x40
Import 84779000 Machinery for working rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products from these materials, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter neck finish machine with electrical equipment
Import 84859000 Machinery parts, not containing electrical connectors, insulators, coils, contacts or other electrical features not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter pressosat for air conditioner

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 39269009 Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials of headings3901 to 3914 polypropylene caps with induction sealing wad (38mm)
Export 39269010 Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials of headings3901 to 3914 polypropylene caps with induction sealin g wad

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