P-586 Bl-n, New Alipore, Calcutta(w.b.) India

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
23/05/2003 39249010 Scrubber plastic ball for clea 5760 Pcs Bombay sea China China
12/08/2003 48209010 Catalogue 12 Pcs Bombay sea China China
17/04/2003 66019900 Umbrella 4 Pcs Bombay sea China China
23/05/2003 73231000 Scrubber iron ball for cleanin 115200 Pcs Bombay sea China China
23/05/2003 83030000 Safe box 50 Pcs Bombay sea China China
16/07/2003 85072000 Rechargeable battery 22000 Pcs Calcutta sea Cn Cn
6/01/2004 85139000 Metal parts for (torch) top & 280000 Set Bombay sea China China
15/10/2003 85199200 Mini cassette player,rcr (ak 7 7000 Pcs Bombay sea China China
21/11/2003 85199910 Mini cassette player,r.c.r.(ma 2160 Pcs Bombay sea China China
21/01/2004 85229000 Remote control(part for vcd player) 4800 Pcs Delhi tkd icd Sku Sku

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 39249010 Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, of plastics scrubber plastic ball for clea
Import 48209010 Registers, account books, note books, order books, receipt books, letter pads, memorandum pads, diaries and similar articles, excise books, blotting-pads, binders (loose-leaf or other), folders, file covers, manifold business forms, inter leaved carbon se catalogue
Import 66019900 Umbrellas and sun umbrellas (including walking-stick umbrellas, garden umbrellas and similar umbrellas) umbrella
Import 73231000 Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, of iron or steel; iron or steel wool; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of iron or steel scrubber iron ball for cleanin
Import 83030000 safe box
Import 85072000 Electric accumulators, including separators therefore, whether or not rectangular (including square) rechargeable battery
Import 85139000 Portable electric lamps designed to function by their own source of energy (for example, dry batteries, accumulators, magnetos), other than lighting equipment of heading 8512 metal parts for (torch) top &
Import 85199200 Turntables (record-decks), record-players, cassette-players and other sound reproducing apparatus, not incorporating a sound recording device mini cassette player,rcr (ak 7
Import 85199910 Turntables (record-decks), record-players, cassette-players and other sound reproducing apparatus, not incorporating a sound recording device mini cassette player,r.c.r.(ma
Import 85229000 remote control(part for vcd player)

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