B-15, Friends Colony (west), New Delhi India

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
20/12/2004 84184090 Machinery spare parts:-ind/r/t/u/m/p/c/m /w/o/p/o/c/s//s/(n/l/t/90%b/w/)m/t/f/ 300 Nos Delhi ppg icd Hannover Germany
8/09/2004 84194010 Ind/re/to use /mach/par/ma/who/or/pre/ of car/st/noll/st/(n.l.t90%by wt):m/t 240 Nos Delhi ppg icd Hannover Germany
24/08/2004 84194090 Id.re.to use mac.part m/wholly or pre.of car.st/non aly.st.(n/l/t/90%by wt)ma.th. 120 Nos Delhi ppg icd Hannover Germany

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
4/09/2003 40169910 2680749000 airspring 747 n 3.100 (made of rubber ) 10 Pcs Delhi tkd icd Germany Germany
5/03/2004 40169990 2680782000 airspring 782 n (made of rubber) 150 Pcs Jnpt Germany Germany
4/09/2003 73209010 Sm-conical spring 103887 r1 90 Pcs Delhi tkd icd Germany Germany
19/11/2004 73209090 Sm-conical spring 103887 r1 90 Nos Delhi tkd icd Hamburg Hamburg
26/07/2004 73269099 Air suspensions system without air spring 1 Nos Delhi air Amsterdam Amsterdam
18/08/2004 84818090 464 002 440 0 levelling valve 60 Nos Delhi air Lebach Lebach

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 40169910 Other articles of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber 2680749000 airspring 747 n 3.100 (made of rubber )
Import 40169990 Other articles of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber 2680782000 airspring 782 n (made of rubber)
Import 73209010 Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel sm-conical spring 103887 r1
Import 73209090 Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel sm-conical spring 103887 r1
Import 73269099 Other articles of iron or steel air suspensions system without air spring
Import 84818090 Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boilers shells, tanks, vats or the like, including pressure-reducing valves and thermostatically controlled valves 464 002 440 0 levelling valve

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 84184090 Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning of machines of heading 8415 machinery spare parts:-ind/r/t/u/m/p/c/m /w/o/p/o/c/s//s/(n/l/t/90%b/w/)m/t/f/
Export 84194010 Machinery, plant or laboratory equipment, whether or not electrically heated,(excluding furnaces, ovens and other equipment of heading 8514), for the treatment of material by a process involving a change of temperature such as heating, cooking, roasting, ind/re/to use /mach/par/ma/who/or/pre/ of car/st/noll/st/(n.l.t90%by wt):m/t
Export 84194090 Machinery, plant or laboratory equipment, whether or not electrically heated,(excluding furnaces, ovens and other equipment of heading 8514), for the treatment of material by a process involving a change of temperature such as heating, cooking, roasting, id.re.to use mac.part m/wholly or pre.of car.st/non aly.st.(n/l/t/90%by wt)ma.th.

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