C-312, Crystal Plaza , New Link Road, Andheri, (west) Mumbai Maharashtra India
Ph: 6973894 Fax: 6973895

Export Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
30/01/2004 49111010 Compuer software warcraft 408 Pcs Bombay air New york United states
25/09/2003 49119910 Computer software warcraft pack 504 Pcs Bombay air San francisco Usa
28/06/2003 84241000 Computer software war craft 2760 Pcs Bombay air San francisco United states
20/10/2004 84509090 Computer software rome total war 200 Pcs Bombay air Dubai United arab emirates
24/07/2004 84713090 Computer software ice wind dale uc 46 Pcs Bombay air New york United states
3/09/2003 85249112 Computer software lion heart 600 Pcs Bombay air New york Usa
28/06/2003 85249901 Computer software the hulk 168 Pcs Bombay air San francisco United states
11/06/2004 85249910 Computer software ice wind dale uc 120 Pcs Bombay air New york United states
29/10/2004 85249999 Computer software doom 260 Pcs Bombay air New york Usa

Import Shipment Details

Date HS Code Product Description Qty. Unit India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country
18/12/2003 48191010 Warcraft 3 battlechest empty box 20 Pcs Bombay air Lsq Lsq
2/08/2004 49111090 Starcraft battlehest box and docs 2000 Pcs Bombay air San francisco San francisco
28/02/2003 49119990 Reader rabbit posters 200 Pcs Bombay sea Australia Australia
4/02/2003 73269010 Vivendi universal metal rack display 10 Pcs Bombay air United states United states
22/09/2003 85243190 Computer software cd roms warcraft iii battlechest-pc software 750 Pcs Bombay air United states United states
14/01/2003 85249901 Watcraft 3 reign of chaos demo 2000 Pcs Bombay air United states United states
18/12/2003 85249910 Fellowship of the ring bss 1000 Pcs Bombay air Lsq Lsq

Products Information

Import HS Code Product Description
Import 48191010 Cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres; box files, letter trays, and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like warcraft 3 battlechest empty box
Import 49111090 Other printed matter, including printed pictures and photographs. starcraft battlehest box and docs
Import 49119990 Other printed matter, including printed pictures and photographs. reader rabbit posters
Import 73269010 Other articles of iron or steel vivendi universal metal rack display
Import 85243190 Records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other similarly recorded phenomena, including matrices and masters for the production of records, but excluding products of chapter 37 computer software cd roms warcraft iii battlechest-pc software
Import 85249901 Records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other similarly recorded phenomena, including matrices and masters for the production of records, but excluding products of chapter 37 watcraft 3 reign of chaos demo
Import 85249910 Records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other similarly recorded phenomena, including matrices and masters for the production of records, but excluding products of chapter 37 fellowship of the ring bss

Export HS Code Product Description
Export 49111010 Other printed matter, including printed pictures and photographs. compuer software warcraft
Export 49119910 Other printed matter, including printed pictures and photographs. computer software warcraft pack
Export 84241000 Mechanical appliances (whether or not hand-operated) for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders; fire extinguishers, whether or not charged; spray guns and similar appliances; steam or sand blasting machines and similar jet projecting machi computer software war craft
Export 84509090 Household or laundry-type washing machines, including machines which both wash and dry computer software rome total war
Export 84713090 Automatic data processing machines and units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data on to data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, not elsewhere specified or included computer software ice wind dale uc
Export 85249112 Records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other similarly recorded phenomena, including matrices and masters for the production of records, but excluding products of chapter 37 computer software lion heart
Export 85249901 Records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other similarly recorded phenomena, including matrices and masters for the production of records, but excluding products of chapter 37 computer software the hulk
Export 85249910 Records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other similarly recorded phenomena, including matrices and masters for the production of records, but excluding products of chapter 37 computer software ice wind dale uc
Export 85249999 Records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other similarly recorded phenomena, including matrices and masters for the production of records, but excluding products of chapter 37 computer software doom

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